250 Sharon Avenue, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 | 610-586-8200

Trash and Recycling Schedule

Trash is picked up twice each week, on either a Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday schedule. To determine your pickup days, please refer to the map below. Bulk trash is collected on Thursday and Friday pickups.

Trash Pickup Routes

Click to enlarge map

Holiday Trash Schedule 2024

The following is a list of holidays that will affect your trash schedule:

New Years Day Day (Monday, January 1) – Trash will be picked up Tuesday
Tuesday’s trash will be picked up on Wednesday

Martin Luther King Day (Monday, January 15) – Trash will be picked up Tuesday
Tuesday’s trash will be picked up on Wednesday

Memorial Day (Monday, May 27) – Trash will be picked up Tuesday
Tuesday’s trash will be picked up on Wednesday

Independence Day (Thursday, July 4) – Trash will be picked up the prior day (Wednesday 7/3)
There will be NO RECYCLING PICKUP this week; Recycling pickup resumes Wednesday 7/10.

Labor Day (Monday, September 2) – Trash will be picked up Tuesday
Tuesday’s trash will be picked up on Wednesday

Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 28) – Trash will be picked up the prior day (Wednesday 11/27)
There will be NO RECYCLING PICKUP this week; Recycling pickup resumes Wednesday 12/4. On Friday 11/29 regular trash pickup will take place as scheduled.

Christmas (Wednesday, December 25) – There will be NO RECYCLING PICKUP this week.

Bulk Trash

Bulk trash is collected on Thursdays and Fridays. Any mattress, box spring, and /or any upholstered furniture MUST be sealed in a plastic bag or wrapped in plastic. The failure to do so will result in the trash not being collected and may result in a $100 civil fine.

Recycling Guidelines for Collection

Recycling is picked up every Wednesday except for weeks where a holiday falls on that Monday. Do not place plastic bags in with your recycling. It jams the machine. Recycling bagged in plastic bags will not be collected. If you don’t have a recycling can, a cardboard box will do the job.


Recycling Guidelines
Guide to Single-Stream Recycling (PDF)

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