The Sharon Hill Borough is excited to announce the establishment of the Sharon Hill Junior Council. The Borough is currently seeking eight (8) youth participants between the ages of 13-17, to assist with planning and policy development efforts that directly impact the children and older age youth in Sharon Hill.
The goal of this initiative is to promote leadership and civic engagement, create a platform to enhance youth voices, build positive adult youth partnerships amongst elected officials, key leaders and organizations that serve Sharon Hill.
Applications for membership can be downloaded as a fillable PDF:
Completed applications should be sent via email to
Or printed out and mailed to:
Ieasa Nichols, Borough Manager
Sharon Hill Borough
250 Sharon Avenue
Sharon Hill, PA 19079
Completed applications must be submitted by 4 pm Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022.
Please note all applicants must be Sharon Hill residents and have the ability to meet at least twice per month to discuss community issues and plan projects to address them. Additionally, prospective members must also complete two (2) half day training workshops prior to swearing in.
To learn more about Junior Council, please contact Ms. Ieasa Nichols at 610-586-8200 or via email at
Last modified: November 15, 2022