The Borough of Sharon Hill is excited to announce the roll out our new telephone system! In order to ensure that your needs are met in the most efficient manner, upon calling our general number at 610-586-8200 callers will now be greeted and prompted to select one of the following options:
• For Permits, Inspections, or Building Code Violations, please press 1.
• For Concerns with Streets and Highways, press 2.
• For Concerns with Trash or Recycling, press 3.
• To reach the Tax Collector, press 4.
• To reach the Treasurer, press 5.
• To reach the Borough Manager, press 6.
• If you need further assistance or have a general inquiry, please press 7.
We ask for your patience as we test the system for the next few days.
As always, residents are also welcome to contact us via email or to report a concern.
Last modified: January 26, 2024