Please be advised that the Darby Creek Joint Authority has contracted Duke’s Root Control to complete an Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) Study of the entire sanitary sewer system, which a portion of is situated within Sharon Hill Borough.
Beginning the week of Monday, November 15, representatives from Duke’s Root Control, Inc. (“Dukes”) will be in your area for the purpose of evaluating the condition of the sanitary sewer system and private sewer service laterals. Crews will be evaluating the sewer mains and laterals through smoke testing, which is a process in which non-toxic, non-flammable liquid smoke is pressurized through the sewer mains. Defects within the system are noted for repair by the crew.
Homeowners within the area of testing will be notified with pink door tags placed by Duke’s two to three days prior to the test. Homeowners do not need to be present for the test. This method of testing may require representatives from Duke’s to access manholes located within the Right-of-Way and/or utility easements, including those on private property but within the utility easement. Smoke Testing does not impact any operation of the sewer and there will be no disruption of service at any point. All Duke’s representatives will have identification badges and will be wearing company uniforms at all times.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Duke’s at (888) 655-4085.
Last modified: November 9, 2021