250 Sharon Avenue, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 | 610-586-8200

Trash Collection Update

January 9, 2025

We would like to thank all Sharon Hill Borough residents for your continued patience as we work with our trash vendor to resume our regular trash pick-up schedule. To date, we have been advised that although we are still experiencing delays, all trash is being collected.  Should your trash not be collected on its regularly scheduled day, please leave it for next day pickup.

Please note that these delays are in part due to mechanical failure of the larger capacity trash truck, heavier trash volumes during the holidays and the extreme weather conditions.  Our vendor is currently awaiting the delivery of a new truck and anticipates being back to full-service capacity within 7-10 days.

We also note that due to high winds, trash has been blown along the curblines and into the streets. We will continue to work with H&H and our Highway Department to try and keep streets and roadways free of loose debris. However, we do ask that all trash be bagged, tied, and placed outdoors in a covered receptacle to avoid being blown away by the winds.

Last modified: January 9, 2025

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